Julie had her answer in her pocket, even though she was not aware of the question.
Unfortunately, she was not the only one with an answer. This person wanted to go out with a bang - as he thought of himself to be the one in charge of the "real american values" , but all he had in the end was his hate... There is another one who thinks that he is the guardian of real Islamic and Iranian values, and I'm afraid he was allowed to have his own country and there is no way to tell how many more lives will be lost or whom will be able to stop him now...
On the brighter side, four people wanted to age free and they were able to achieve a little bit more than what they dreamt for. I hope they will be able to hold to it...
Today I stolled through the Pittsburgh Pride and in my walk I had been surrounded by all kind of people-with their children, with rainbow faces and village people type outfits, young kids with jeans and cool ripped t-shirts, middle aged couples with polo shirts and dress pants - we only had one thing in common I think, we all wanted to be accepted as diverse as we were. And thinking over this week's events I realized that what I want to be when I grow up is to be human.
Iti scriu in romana, pentru ca sint obosita in dimineata asta. Anne Frank a scris in faimosul ei jurnal ca va veni o zi in care ei nu vor mai fi evrei, ci doar oameni.
Adica este o aspiratie comuna se pare, la care ajungem pina la urma cu totii. Subscriu si eu.
Din pacate, Simona la aspiratia asta nu ajungem cu totii. Unii , dupa cum observa Octavian , vor sa ajunga agenti de paza...
Dr ma bucur ca nu-s singura care vrea sa se faca om - poate se mai aduna si altii....
One thing I don't want to be when I grow up is an adult. You are already more human than most people.
thank you Paul.
Sometimes one can not avoid growing up, but if we do at least grow up to be human...
I checked out the links. Yikes! Good rant, Annamari.
Unfortunately, my pocket is all I can think of lately, because my pocket is empty. My silly jokes are an attempt to whistle in the dark.
I like your idea of being human. It's hard to feel human without the basic essentials. It's hard to feel human when writing in the dark or walking with holes in shoes all day to look for a job. Yes, this is in America. The half who can go buy cool ripped t-shirts at the mall have no idea what it's like for the others who have to wear old ripped shirts. At least it's not winter here. I have so much to be thankful for, especially when I talk to people at the soup kitchen. At least right now...today...I can scrimp up pennies and pay the bill that needs to be paid. Some people can't even do that. Our local media seems to have forgotten about them. When I do find a job, I will not forget them. Ever.
Sorry to take up so much space here. Thanks, Annamari! You are wonderfully human.
"It's hard to feel human without the basic essentials. It's hard to feel human when writing in the dark or walking with holes in shoes all day to look for a job"
You are so very right. This is why wish to grow up human, because I failed being it so many times when it was too hard...
@Paul. One little problem: our children. They need adults around them. Not another children.
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