Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Confession Tuesday: The confessions of a bus rider (3)

...and a train rider, I may add.

After reading the new TSA related stories , Mona wondered if those voices opposing a universal health care plan (with or without a government option) arguing that it opens the door for the government into our private health care issues will also oppose the government’s interference of the with peoples most intimate body parts.


These are the people who inferred (and believed) that the government will control treatment options and medication choices in a larger measure than health insurance providers do now – that is for any other reasons than cost related ones. Not impossible

-  slightly possible, adds Nim. So they will start suggesting alternatives – like the railroads they refuse to rebuild and support…

Slightly possible alternatives, noted Annamari with her usual lack of  tact. This is no longer the country where everything is possible, but the country where the least possible is most likely to become reality.

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