Friday, July 4, 2008

Annamari on Ieronim (Nim)

I like Mona. I love Anaïs like she was my little sister; she is as frail and sweet as the little girl that died a long time ago, my real little sister. I respect Yuri, he came a long way and kept his dignity.
But Nim, how could I like him or respect him? Anaïs told me that he has this unique ability to listen, but I could not find one story to tell him. She fell in love with him. She was vulnerable and he was soft spoken and handsome. When she met him his body did not show clear signs of his illness. He stood dark and tall, his large shoulders, his long legs. He looked as someone that took sun baths in the middle of the winter and smiles constantly, well groomed and polite, but hollow.
A drunkard. A hedonist. A gay man.

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